Answered By: Marg Mannseichner
Last Updated: Apr 23, 2020     Views: 323

Note: “During school closure, VLC passwords will be emailed directly to students and teachers.  To request the list, please use the ‘Submit a Question’ form and ensure you include your name, school name, grade and UCDSB e-mail address."


Great question! 

Electronic databases are collections of articles, information, videos etc. that you can get search from a computer or anything that can access the Internet.  They are not the same as Google searches!  The information in them usually cannot be found just from searching the Internet, and it has been chosen by experts especially for certain grade levels and for certain subjects.

Your school subscribes to quite a few electronic databases that are available on the VLC. Go to the VLC and click on the 'Games & Databases' tab for a full list.  There is a video on there that explains how databases work, and how to find what you need on our Database A-Z page.

All of these databases are available for use at school or home.  Ask your LCI (or send us another question!) for the username and password if you want to use these databases from home.

Using information you know you can trust makes you 'information smart!'.

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