Answered By: Marg Mannseichner
Last Updated: Apr 23, 2020     Views: 1100

Note: “During school closure, VLC passwords will be emailed directly to students and teachers.  To request the list, please use the ‘Submit a Question’ form and ensure you include your name, school name, grade and UCDSB e-mail address."


Sora (OverDrive) is the new eBook & audiobook resource for UCDSB students and staff.  Our collection is called the "Eastern Ontario Public Schools Consortium"  Sora the right book at the right time for every student

There are a few ways to access the UCDSB collection:

1. To access on a mobile device like your phone or tablet, download the Sora app from the Apple App or Google Play stores

2. To access from your computer, go to the VLC, Games & Databases tab, click 'S' or search for Sora, then click on the link(Note: if you want to download books to your eReader, or read books that are in .pdf, use the Sora link for  eReader and ePub) 

Once you are in the Sora app or on the Sora website:

  1. Click "find my School".  If you don't see "Eastern Ontario Public Schools' listed, click 'my school isn't listed'.
  2. Type Upper Canada District School Board in the search tab and click 'this is my school'.
  3. Select Upper Canada District School Board in the dropdown box and then click "sign in"
  4. When prompted to sign in, your username and password is the same as the one you use to sign into any school computers (for staff, make sure to put 'UC' before your employee number!)

Congratulations!  You are now logged in to Sora. You will receive your very first achievement badge once you have successfully logged in.  If you are using Sora at home, your device or computer will remember you each time you open the app or go to the website.

Submit a Question

Please provide an e-mail address so we know where to send your answer. We will not share it, pinky swear!
Your Question
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