Answered By: Sheila Cornelisse
Last Updated: Dec 16, 2019     Views: 720

Hello Ava

That is a very good question.  I have never personally met an elf but, just like you, I had the same question when I was your age.

In books, movies, and popular belief, Elves are considered to be mythological creatures who look like humans.... sometimes human size (such as the elves depicted in "Lord of the Rings") and sometimes short in stature and with pointed ears like the Christmas elves that work with Santa at the North Pole.

One country that has a strong belief in elves is Iceland.

Elves have captivated and eluded people for centuries.  Whole fantasy worlds, such as Middle Earth and Dungeons & Dragons, have been created around them including defining different races of elves, each with their own special powers and characteristics  Here are some sites that may give you a good starting point on researching elves

Unfortunately I am not qualified to give you a YES or NO answer on the existence of elves; however, as long as you believe in them and enjoy the stories and worlds created about them, then elves, like many of the characters born from folklore, will be real.

Mrs. Cornelisse

Learning Commons Informationist




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