Answered By: Sheila Cornelisse
Last Updated: Aug 11, 2020     Views: 130


I don't know what school board you are with but the Upper Canada District School Board does have some suggested resources for distance learning available through their website

I suspect that other school boards would have something similar.

The UCDSB Virtual Learning Commons has many suggested resource links to access ideas.  However, some of the databases listed in the Games and Databases section will require passwords that can only be provided to UCDSB students (and their parents) and staff.  The password list can be provided to you if you can confirm your student's name and what UCDSB school they attend.

If you are looking for more official Home School programs, I would suggest checking out this site for the Ontario Federation of Teaching Parents  or searching for homeschool groups in your area.

Please feel free to contact me if you require more assistance.

Sheila Cornelisse

Learning Commons Informationist


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