Answered By: Sheila Cornelisse
Last Updated: Apr 23, 2020     Views: 61

Note: “During school closure, VLC passwords will be emailed directly to students and teachers.  To request the list, please use the ‘Submit a Question’ form and ensure you include your name, school name, grade and UCDSB e-mail address"


UCDSB has access to a variety of resources for Indigenous education, both physical and virtual!

To see what physical resources your school has, you can search the Destiny library system, which you can access through Insite on any board computer.

The Virtual Learning Commons (VLC) also has a lot of different types of online resources as well. You can access it from the VLC icon on the desktop of any board Desktop computer, or by going to .

By clicking on the "Games & Databases", then narrowing by subject matter, you can see which of the 100+ databases the board has access to pertaining to Indigenous education. For Grades 1-8, the category is Native Languages. For 9-12, it is under Native Studies. 

While looking at the narrowed list, on the right-hand side of the page there will also be a list of subject guides that pertain to the topic, created by LCI's in the board to coincide with the Ontario curriculum. These subject guides have a collection of online websites, videos, etc. that are age-appropriate.

For more information, contact your school's Learning Commons Informationist!

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