Hello there, thanks for your question.
While I can't answer the question for you. I can give you some tools and resources, to perhaps help you figure it out! There are a few places you can go on our Virtual Learning Commons: under 9-12 Zone -> Math -> Grade 12, there is an Advanced Functions guide.
Here's a direct link to that guide: http://vlc.ucdsb.ca/c.php?g=172136&p=1573253
Here's a link to the Grade 11 Functions guide: http://vlc.ucdsb.ca/c.php?g=170993&p=1126280 (sometimes going back and reviewing skills can help you get back on track!)
On the main page of both guides you'll find a link to "Math Homework Help", a website where math help is offered from teachers for students Grade 7-12, sponsored by the province.
You might also try Khan Academy for step-by-step, video instruction: http://www.khanacademy.org/
Good luck!!