Answered By: Marg Mannseichner
Last Updated: Jul 17, 2017     Views: 68

Good Morning Connor:

When I searched types of bridges on the Virtual Learning Commons through Encyclopedia Britannica this morning, I was surprised to find all of these types of Bridges:

Arch, Beam, Truss, Cantilever, Tied Arch, Suspension, Cable-Stayed, Fixed, Move-able and Temporary bridges.

I also learned that there are the following uses for bridges: Cars, Pedestrians, Trains, Viaducts and Commercial.

Here's the link to more info on Bridges on Encyclopedia Britannica:

Ask your LCI (me, Mrs Turner) or your teacher for your login!


I hope that this helps answer your question. Thank you for using LibAnswers and for sending me a question. Please use it again and again!

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