Answered By: Marg Mannseichner
Last Updated: Jul 17, 2017     Views: 41

Hello and thank you for your question.

“420” - represents April 20th  (20th day of the fourth month). April 20th  is Jamaican singer, Bob Marley’s birthday. Bob Marley was a tremendous singer and artist who sang of love, peace and understanding. He was a strong supporter of freedom and human rights. Bob Marley also fought for the right to use marijuana in Jamaica, where like in Canada and most other countries, it is illegal; except for medical use. Many people mark this day to honour Bob Marley and push for the decriminalization of marijuana.


“Swag” – is to mean something is cool or hip.


“420 swag” – is a phrase to imply that 420, is hip and cool. However engaging in illegal activities, isn't cool.


Read more about Bob Marley and marijuana by following the links below.

Bob Marley: (ask your school's LCI for Encyclopedia Britannica login info)



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