Answered By: Sheila Cornelisse
Last Updated: Jul 17, 2017     Views: 16

Hello Amber

That is an age old question. 

A good explanation as to why we find sugar in our food as well as the challenges of replacing sugar in products can be found in this archived webinar from The Canadian Sugar Institute

"Beyond Sweetness: The Functional Roles of Sugar in Foods and the Challenges in Replacing/Reducing It" 

The link is provided below.  You will have to register, for free, to access the webinar.  Use the school board (ie UCDSB) for company and Student for your job title.

I have also included the pdf slides from the Webinar.

More information on sugar can be found in the Nutrition and Information Services section of The Canadian Sugar Institute's website. Check out all three areas - Health Professionals, Educators and Students, and Consumers - to get the broadest range of information

Please feel free to contact me if you need further assistance.

Mrs. Cornelisse

Learning Commons Informationist

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