Answered By: Sheila Cornelisse
Last Updated: Aug 27, 2018     Views: 12


Here is the basic formula to find the ratio of maximum to minimum resistance

We have n wires of each of resistance R

To get maximum resistance we need to connect them in series

Equivalent resistance in series Rs=R+R+R+…n times=nR


To get minimum resistance we need to connect the wires in parallel

Equivalent resistance in parallel


Therefore Rp=R/nRp=R/n

Thus ratio of maximum to minimum resistance =Rs/Rp=nR/R/n=n2

To find out more about resistance and Ohm's Law, check out the Grade 11/12 Physics subject guide accessed through the 9-12 Zone tab in the UCDSB Virtual Learning Commons.  There are a number of links to great sites such as Khan Academy, Crash Course Physics and Bozeman Science the give video explanations.

Feel free to contact me is you have further questions.

Mrs. Cornelisse

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