Answered By: Sheila Cornelisse
Last Updated: Jul 17, 2017     Views: 146301

Hello Lauren

There are many legends about who Santa Claus was and is.  Mrs. Claus has been given a few different names depending on what history or movie you refer to. 

It is believed that the first Santa Claus was Saint Nicholas.  Saint Nicholas was a monk and therefore did not marry.

The Santa Claus that we know lives in the North Pole.  According to some North American sources, his original name was Kris Kringle before he changed his name to Santa Claus.  Kris Kringle was a toymaker who married Jessica. 

Other names found for Mrs Claus are Mary Christmas, Gertrude, and Carol.

This may be a good question to ask Santa when you write to him this year.



Comments (35)

  1. Jessica Mary Kringle
    by Patrick on Nov 29, 2015
  2. Hi ms.claus i want you to bring
    Me aome presents but i dont have nno Christmas tree.
    by mckayla on Dec 13, 2016
  3. That's okay Mckayla. You don't need a Christmas tree to receive a present.
    by Ms. Claus on Dec 14, 2016
  4. Dear Santa,How comes I really never get to see you at night while putting my presents my friends will like to know to
    by Parinaz on May 07, 2017
  5. I have never seen Santa either Parinaz, but if we truly believe in him and the magic of Christmas, we can see him with our hearts and our imaginations. Maybe he likes it better that way and has special powers to cloak himself from human sight so we can keep on believing. Sorry, I don't have an answer to this one.
    by Sheila Cornelisse on May 08, 2017
  6. Hi!! I would really like a Xbox for christmas, but its okay if you dont want to give me one, i just want peace and my hair dyed.. Love, Haylee M.
    by Haylee McCormick on Nov 26, 2017
  7. hello mrs claus i love your first name my first name is marin
    by hello on Dec 09, 2017
  8. Dear, Mrs. Claus what is your full name
    by Suzanne on Dec 18, 2017
  9. The Catholic church's position on celibacy recommendations did not occur until the Council of Nicea which was well past St Nicolas' tenure.
    It is possible he was married.
    by Dean McGee on Dec 20, 2017
  10. I have been a little bit naughty but I have said sorry am I still aloud a present.can you please get my sister's something they are called Isabelle and Lyla they are 4 and 2 .
    Love Olivia❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
    by Olivia Tandy on Apr 16, 2018
  11. i want........................................
    by Elizabeth s nelson on Dec 03, 2018
  12. Guess what are all of my names? That is nearly impossible, and sometimes I forget myself...ho ho ho!

    Here are the ones I remember, dear children.

    -Santa Claus
    -St. Nick/Nicholas
    -Kris Kringle
    -Father Christmas
    -Ded Moroz

    If you remember any of my other names, feel free to say so!

    Santa Claus
    by Santa on Nov 30, 2019
  13. I’ve heard of another name for Mrs. Clause— Holly Mistletoe
    by Jennifer on Dec 19, 2019
  14. Hi it me Ada
    I have been a little bit naughty but I am staring to be good for Christmas I would like a Fitbit.
    by Ada on Dec 20, 2019
  15. Dear mr & mrs Claus I was hoping to help out the elf’s but I can’t do that I just wish you can come downstairs and wake me up to help you but I can’t so I wish you a merry Christmas and I happy new year happy holidays to all love you all hearts to everyone💝
    by Alice/Alyssa on Dec 20, 2019
  16. hello my name is Kory i have a question for Ms. Claus what is your real name i'm doing a crossword puzzle but i don't know you real name can i please have an answer?
    by Kory on Dec 21, 2019
  17. Dear Mrs.Claus My pet bunny has passed this folowing week so I am extreamly sad, Iloved him so much and I'm not shure what I could do. But I was talking with my mom and she said I might be getting my verry own kittin. I am so happy now.
    by ,,,, on Nov 15, 2020
  18. Dear Santa, Why do you rarely say Mrs Claus’s first name in your stories?
    by Salo on Dec 05, 2020
  19. hi Mr santa claua and Mrs claus why i cant see you at nighttime we want to see you in nighttime the peole who have your elf was meen to the peole good bye we love you and have a goood day
    by monet salazar on Dec 07, 2020
  20. The reason you can't see me at nighttime is that I have special powers. I like to deliver presents to those who believe so much that they can see me with their hearts instead of their eyes. You may think that you are awake but my magic lets me come and go in the blink of an eye.
    by Santa on Dec 08, 2020
  21. I first would like to say that Christmas isn't about presents its about the day Jesus was born and people came from thousands of miles walking not driving to give Jesus presents. Its his birthday so we celebrate by giving people gifts but if we truly believe we know mom and dad or just mom or just dad or dad and dad 👨 or mom and mom 👩 they don't get the credit each year for everything they do.
    by Becky claus on Dec 11, 2020
  22. My brother Kanon is always saying Santa clause is not real and now that I found this website I know for shure that Santa and Mrs.clause very very real. LOVE PYPER HARRELL
    by pyper on Feb 06, 2021
  23. Hi Pyper Keep on believing and Santa Claus will always be real.
    by Mrs. C. on Feb 08, 2021
  24. santa why cant i see you at nighttime my brother thinks my dad gives, our present and i tell him and he says santa is fake and our parents gives us it.
    by Justin on Mar 24, 2021
  25. santa is it ok if i tell people her name?
    by a on Jun 21, 2021
  26. what is her name
    by rosalie on Dec 21, 2021
  27. Only Santa and Mrs. Claus know the answer to this. Perhaps, like Santa, Mrs. Claus has different names in all the places around the world. You can choose your favourite one.
    by Mrs. C. on Dec 22, 2021
  28. Maryanne Claus. Her maiden name was Bright.
    by Greek Guru on Dec 24, 2021
  29. For those of you who have doubts, “ISN’T IT MORE FUN TO BELIEVE???” ...and we’ll leave it at that!!! 🎅🏼 🤶
    by Mrs. Sharon Claus on Aug 04, 2022
  30. I saw you at the Sears store in Toledo, Ohio in 1950. You were old then. I was five years old back then. Today I'm going on 78! Dad said, "Santa will always be in your heart as long as you live." How very true his words were!
    by Hoss on Dec 14, 2022
  31. Dear Santa and Mrs Claus, We have believed all our lives and want to thank you for all our presents the last 7 and 9 years. No matter what you bring, we will always love it. We will leave a gift by our christmas tree for YOU this year, please dont forget to pick it up! Ps. What are your favorite cookies? And what are your reindeers' favorite snack? Love, Kyra and Aldin
    by Kyra and Aldin P. on Nov 28, 2023
  32. Santa loves a chocolate chip cookie. You may think that reindeer like carrots, but they don't have the teeth to chew them properly so they may get a tummy ache. You can leave them apples, oats & grains, hay, and leafy green vegetables.
    by Mrs. C. on Nov 29, 2023
  33. Thank you Kyra and Aldin. I love that you believe in Santa and Mrs. Claus. The spirit of Christmas lives in the hearts of those who believe. I am sure that Santa will enjoy his present. By the way, Santa's favourite cookie is chocolate chip but he also enjoys gingerbread. The reindeer like apples, hay, and green leafy vegetables. Because they don't have many teeth, it is difficult for them to chew carrots and may give them a tummy ache. Have a wonderful Christmas.
    by Mrs. C. on Nov 29, 2023
  34. In fact, the real Santa Claus (St. Nicholas of Myra) COULD HAVE BEEN married. He was born around 280 AD, and the Catholic Church DID NOT have the celibacy law in place for priests and monks until 800 years later in the 1100's.
    by Charlie J on Dec 21, 2023
  35. There is not any canonical (widely accepted) story about how Santa (not to be confused with Saint Nicholas of Myra) because it seems everyone can add to his story. For example, Rudolf was not added until 1939. The movie “The Santa Clause” and many others told us that the “Santa-ship” could be passed on from one person to another. This does create a significant difficulty for us believers. My account is a mashup of two movies. The first one is the 2007 Finnish movie “Christmas Story” (not to be confused with the 1983 movie “A Christmas Story”). It tells us about how a 6 years old orphan named Nicholas became an orphan and then was raised in turn by the villagers in a small Lapland community. Nicholas was a skilled wood carver and carved little toys for the children in his village. But one year, the village was hit by a devastating early frost so that no family was about to take care of him. The only person who could take him was an older, childless, wood furniture maker who saw in Nicholas a potential helper. Although life was not easy for Nicholas the first year, by the next Christmas, Nicholas and Isaac had become close so when Isaac offered to keep him on, Nicholas accepted. The story goes on to tell us how over the years Nicholas did learn and actually became a great furniture maker who continued to make toys on the side. Eventually, Isaac left to live with his son and left everything to Nicholas. It was at this point that the toy business became his only focus. At the end of the movie, Nicholas has become an old man. In response to the suggestion of a friend, he decided that the next Christmas would be his last. At this point, there is a gap in the story. We are not told about his getting married. Therefore, we have to insert this fact into his timeline. This part of the story is told in the second movie: The 1985 movie “Santa Claus: The Movie”. It begins showing Santa Claus and his wife Anya travelling in a two reindeer pulled sleigh. They are visiting families in the area on Christmas Eve delivering presents to the Children. We are not told anything about Anya. However, we can see she is loving and kind. I assume that Nicholas met her while delivering toys and they fell in love, became partners in delivering toys, and got married. Back to the movie… Their last visit ended in tragedy. As they were returning home in a fierce blizzard, they became disoriented and got stuck in the deep snow. The reindeers froze followed by Anya and finally Nicholas. However, we then see elves arriving and they are all revived into eternal beings. Returning to “Christmas Story”, the last scene is of Nicholas flying over his friends having become a spiritual being.
    by JimH54 on Dec 28, 2024

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