Answered By: Mary Styles
Last Updated: Jul 17, 2017     Views: 43

Hi Kayla,


What a great question.  I enjoyed finding the information for you.

A knight's job was to serve their King as a warrior defending the King, his kingdom and the people who lived there.  In exchange for fighting and defending their king, the knights were given land.

A knight main purpose was to protect the king which included battles near and far.  When not fighting, knights would work on their knowlege of warfare and weapons. 

They did get time to develop their skills in horsemanship and tend to their land and resources. They also had time to socialize with their fellow knights and families.

I have provided several websites for you to look at which will give you more information regarding knights.


I hope this information helps you and has helped to answer your question.




Learning Commons Informationist.

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