Water, like all matter, is made of molecules, which are in turn made up of even smaller parts called atoms. A molecule of water is made up of two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom. The scientific formula for water is H20.
Here is a diagram of a water molecules. Each large red ball is an oxygen atom and each small white ball is a hydrogen atom. In this diagram, there are 5 water molecules shown.
This infomation is from Encyclopedia Britannica at , which is password protected, and the diagram is from Wikkipedia at
How - and when - the oxygen and hydrogen atoms combined to form water molecules is a question that scientists are still debating. For all the details, read this Smithsonian article at or borrow a book about water (look for the call number 551) or about the Big Bang theory (call number 620).
Please ask for help finding a book on this interesting question on your next visit to the LC.
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